Friday, September 18, 2009


"In-car" to "pit" communications have been identified as a #2 priority this year (right between brakes and a new fan belt). Last year this was accomplished by the use of hand signals made using various fingers. I recall last year trying to communicate that I thought the lug nuts were loose, but every time I gave what I felt was the signal for this, I got the same signal back from the other side of the pit wall.
Captain Vogler sent out this proposal this morning ... sort of made my head hurt.
"We have two cheap com sets. The driver’s ear buds and pit mic are one radio set and that one can be turned off and on since the pit can use their hands. The driver’s mic and a speaker in the pit are on another radio and are always left ‘on’."
I am proposing a simpler system. Jared's naval experience should make him fluent. The first message is from the car, the second is a response from the pit.


Unknown said...

We're in trouble. Our only pit crew member thinks this FWD car has a fan belt.

Unknown said...

We're in trouble. Our only pit crew member thinks this FWD car has a fan belt.

D. Francis Miller said...

We are in trouble. Our team captain is repeating himself. Our team captain is repeating himself.

teamvogler said...

Danger, Will Robinson, danger!