Friday, September 19, 2008


In an act of unbridled honesty, a senior team member admitted that one of the drain holes drilled in the floor pan quite possibly was the cause of our fuel leak. He even sent out incriminating photographs, which I will not stoop so low as to re-print here.

The team captain wants to make another go at it in 2009, as there are several areas of the car that aren't bent yet.


Unknown said...

As Dave Matthews sings, "I did it..". I am the moron who drilled the cockpit drain hole a little too close to fuel line. We were lucky - the brake lines are in the same area.
Captain Vogler

Lurch said...

Awesome job on the blog, I couldn't stop laughing! The race was a riot. I must say, it was good to enjoy the cold beer from the stands late Saturday night though.


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