Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Day at the Auction

Unfortunately, Mr. Vogler can't attend the auction, as his wife is making him go to some PGA Golf thing. Our first target was a Mazda MX6. Bidding was spirited, as it went past $500 (out of range). As we walked further down the row of cars, we happened past a green Escort with "runs" chalked on the windshield. All four tires held air, so we bid on it. We offered both the opening and closing bids (each$400) and bought it. Eric and I were estatic. We notified Mr. Vogler by text message.
While Eric went to the porta-john, a lady with a beard told me "that car is death". I related this chance encounter with Eric on his return. We wondered why she didn't tell us this before we bid on it.

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