Friday, March 25, 2011


Based on research, I may have to admit that I underestimated the benefits of head porting on the 1.9 L CVH engine. It still would require a different throttle body, benefit from a different cam, needs an exhaust header, and requires reprograming the ECM. I think turbocharging might be cheaper, but less stealth.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The New Theme

Per Capt. Vogler, a new theme is needed. Perhaps due to the fact that there are no more t-shirts available from

Your author's lame ideas:
  • Copy one of the BMW Art Cars - perhaps Alexander Calder's?
  • AviCar (shamless play on Avitar). Paint car blue. Wear blue morph suits. Drivers to wear green contact lenses. Fans to wear 3-D glasses
  • Sponsorship from Tide (the detergent)
  • Spiderman theme, with webs across window openings. Eric to wear spandex.
  • Plaid car, or striped car, or polka dot car (Wonder Bread theme?)
  • Jagermeister Racing. Jager Bomb.
  • Strip car to bare metal. No additional development on this plan
  • Martini and Rossi. Classic livery with red and blue stripes. Natural progression from Gulf.
  • Portray car as Mercury Tracer ('stead of Escort), capitalize on rich 50's Mercury lead slead heritige (think Hirohata Merc) with fender skirts, flames, lake pipes, fuzzy dice, curb feelers. Captain Vogler to wear fish net stockings.
I dunno - anyone else got any ideas?

Monday, March 14, 2011

I have a dream

Recent suggestion to make the car faster:
We need to find a way to add 50 hp and take out another 300 lbs, preferably from the front end.
There have been some serious discussions to adding a turbo charger - but pessimistic team members refuse to believe that this will increase the car's reliability.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Third time?

Breaking official news:
Right now it looks like we will be entering the LeMons race at Gingerman Raceway on the west side of Michigan, July 15-->
17th.  Kevin